2010年12月10日 星期五

穿戴如此整齊,但這可是個遊民哪!已開發國家連遊民都不一樣。不過我注意的倒是那個「神龕」,日積月累而成厚黑烏舊,可以感覺到那裡面幾百年乃至於千餘年的歲月。這種感覺,第一次看到維也納內城中心的史蒂芬大教堂時最強烈。我在街上走著走著,瀏覽路邊的事物,一轉個彎,突然看到一幢巨大烏黑的建築,看不到頂,只見滿牆烏黑,好似蒙著層層黑煙似的,再左右上下環視一番,才意會過來這就是史蒂芬大教堂了,其實心裡蠻震撼的─是歐洲典型的大教堂哪!走進那厚重的大木門,同時間感覺這個門千百年來有多少人走過,多數已成古人,但不久我也將成為古人,啊!啊!那厚重的歷史感,時間感突然蒙上心頭... (攝影:米千因)

2010年12月9日 星期四

和Shenna討論到3P (threesome)。話題是我起的頭…


S: 沒錯。That’s the point.

我:When doing 3P, it’s difficult to create the quality as you can when making it with someone you love or like very much.

S:Of course. Likewise, it may not be easy to find the good sexual matches when adding more partner(s).

我: That is a part of the “bad” quality.

S:True. May be some people have the different definitions of “good” or”bad” quality.

我:The variety of definitions reflects something deep in one’s mind. So this was what I thought when reading your writing. I even thought of something psychological that “occur” when people hearing words like “3P”.

S:Yes. Fear of intimacy.

我:Fear of intimacy—那是深藏在現代人心底深處很嚴重的問題。

S: Go, go, so right. But, why? Many reasons behind…

我:Why? 這個issue可大了。總歸,people are lost; or, people have forgotten their selves.

S: Very sharp, my dear. You response to this Q with only two sentences, but cover the most.

我:No, people cannot remember themselves. I myself have tried so hard to remember myself. Now I do remember something.

S: It’s cool. 我想人類文明的進展有時超出人類遺傳基因負荷的範圍。

我:Sehr gute.這個題目很有意思,下次再聊。I have to go, to work. I enjoy our talk. Tschuss!

S: Ciao!

2010年12月8日 星期三

